

In our Bouncing Babies environment, you will find a safe, secure environment for your infant that leaves you with the peace of mind you need. Our infants are treated to an array of experiences to meet their rapidly changing social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs.


Our Tumbling Tots environment encourages the on-the-move toddler to engage and explore, climb a soft structure, push a stroller or cart, build a tower, and then retreat to a soft lap for an encouraging hug or comforting story. The toddler curriculum builds upon the infant program, to add activity centers where children can move, build, read and create.


Our terrific twos are appropriately set for the transition between toddler and preschool, with learning centers that encourage exploration, climbers that stimulate development of large motor skills and materials that engage children in hands on exploration. We also focus on toilet training in this program.


Our Magnificent Threes have a balance of fun, educational challenge, and nurturing care.  The classroom equipment is designed to capture your child’s interest and engage them in exploration that encourages thinking skills. This program provides learning experiences that set the stage for academic success and lifelong problem-solving skills in an environment that attracts, engages the child, and get them Pre-K ready.

Young Achievers

The Exceptional Achievers program consists of children ages 5 to 12 years old. Our goal is to provide opportunities for them to explore, discover, and achieve their greatest potential by offering activities related to a monthly theme. Exceptional Achievers is a well-rounded program that offers students daily experiences in math, science, language, and art as well as outdoor time to run and play.  Students have the freedom to make choices about the activities they engage in (dramatic arts, construction, music, science discovery, creative expression, reading, homework, problem solving and games, or just relaxing). VIRTUAL LEARNING IS ALSO OFFERED IF NEEDED.

GA Pre-K

Georgia’s Pre-K Program is a state lottery funded educational program for all age eligible four-year-old children in Georgia. The purpose of Georgia’s Pre-K Program is to prepare children for success in Kindergarten and later school years. Through weekly themes, the children learn new concepts, allowing them to extend their play and to share individual interests and ideas. Our pre-k program emphasis is placed on socialization skills as children learn to play both creatively and cooperatively through variety of learning opportunities. 

Summer Camp 

Camp Grace is a summer camp designed to meet the needs of the active child. Exciting, fun, educational field trips designed to jump start your child’s imagination and create lasting memories. Our summer camp is offered to ages 5-12.